Frequently Asked Questions

Basic requirements:

Please read the points in the «Important Information» section.

No professional license is required for rental.

The customer does not have to make an advance payment.

Using the vehicle:

No, the vehicle is not equipped with a trailer hitch.

The renter is fully and unrestrictedly liable for all goods, passengers and the vehicle., also for damage and injuries to others (tangible assets and persons). All damage must be covered by your own personal liability insurance (driving someone else’s vehicle).

In case of a total loss of the vehicle, the excess of CHF 2,500.00 must be paid directly by the renter.

Parking or radar buses must be borne by the renter himself. Unless the driver is provided by the rental company.

Travel abroad is only permitted after agreement and written approval from the lessor.

The vehicle has a diesel engine. Therefore, only diesel may be refueled. Incorrect refueling and the resulting repairs are fully borne by the lessee.

The vehicle can be brought and picked up in an agreed location in Basel and the surrounding area by arrangement. A flat rate of CHF 30.00 per way will be charged.

Please inform the lessor in time. The additional time will be charged according to the price list.

Please inform the lessor in time. If it is a package deal, you will not get any money back. If you rent a vehicle by hour, the price will be recalculated again.

In case of an accident and/or breakdown, the lessor must be informed immediately. If necessary, call the police for investigation.

Direct communication with the company and the police.